Wednesday, December 31, 2008

PCN ride and the sore legs

Went cycling with jon, yuqing and shanli. I've been bugging for a day of cycling, either night cycling or to try out the 'new' East Coast Park Connector Network (PCN) and we finally have one!
Spot the shirtbag.
We started at 2pm on this hot, sunny day. But the weather turned out great! Nice clouds and not too hot.
We ventured to Changi Village hawker and had a good feast. Jon probably almost fell asleep from all the food he ate. haha. We had Red Tea Longan dessert which was really yummy, and chicken chop hor fun from one of the 2 food stalls which has the exact same menu! That's blatant competition! What's more, they're RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER! siao. oh, good food by the way.

Half way through our rides, we decided to take out our handphones and snap pictures WHILE CYCLING. Yup, all the photos with me in it are courtesy of yuqing. That's me and shanli being very wavy, even the trees look like they're falling slant... hmm...

And we managed to catch the sunset too. or rather, the sun before the 'sunset'. I think the best sunsets are found in NTU. yeah. =) at least the ones i've seen. =)

spot the shirtbag.

Well, right now I have sore legs and a sore butt.
But I've only cycled 3 and a half hours across east coast... that bad meh? haiyo...

Do you notice more photos of me? I'm kinda in the phase of chilling from photo taking like I used to (different from photo-taken), and just enjoy the moment of whatever I'm doing. I like to see things from my eyeballs too. There are no lack of photographers or snapshooters in this modern world I tell you.
And so, I get my pictures taken. haha. Thank you photographers! =)

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