Wednesday, December 31, 2008

For the Christmas time

I had a great Christmas this year. =)

Thank you Clement for the wonderful Jack's Place Christmas lunch treat. It was a huge surprise!

Our annual Christmas eve gathering/dinner with my extended family has expanded radically! So many people now! With new additions and even invited new in-laws came. I'm excited! The family is growing! haha... which also means, perhaps, one more ang bao coming Chinese new year?? hee... hey! I'm not THAT money-minded k.

Went shopping with Qin for family gifts this xmas season. Boy do I love 20% discounts! Save so much money! And for the first official time, I guess, I had dinner with Qin's family for Christmas. It was nice, they were really nice, and I almost didn't want to leave early since I was enjoying the get together and no one was at home. My parents had gone away for a Christmas training camp/holiday with their church early that morning.

FYP wasn't far from my mind either...
Don't you wish that sometimes, no one really needed to do anything and just enjoy each other's company?

Thank you dear for driving me home from school even though it was a christmas holiday. =)

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