Monday, January 12, 2009

Believe in 2009

Been feeling a rather an odd self creeping up along in me these days. Like a desperation to want to return to a certain state of an old self. Nothing has really changed, yet so much has changed, so different. Feels different. I guess I haven't been a person of such precise and analytics of mind, a person who drifts in vagueness yet has much certainty of where her foot lands her.

I know it might not make sense to anyone.

People are having second thoughts about film. It's the economical climate, it's the head-banging reality hitting you. It's dwindling passion and need for money. It's boredom and lethargy.

I've always told God, if I were to be in the film industry. It doesn't matter if I'm not famous. Fame is not what I'm after, although it might be a powerful thing. As long as what comes out of it is for good, the better and the best for... I can do so much and play my part, as long as ... People are touched and changed. FOR GOOD. FOR LIFE.

What are the films you remember? Do they play a part in how you think? Sounds so insignificant.
All great things begin from seemingly insignificant things. At least that's how people make them out to be.
No one believed the man who declared that the earth is round. Does it even matter? We're alive anyway. But it paved the way for more things to come.

I know what I need to do. (Do I really?) But I'm terrified. It's like jumping into the deep end of... a cliff. I can swim in the deep end of the pool but I can't fly from a cliff... can I?
Boy, do I so not like naggy feelings. They haunt me. I need peace. I need to realign myself. please.


~jo~ said...

hmm..the films i remember..are the ones that moved my heart..spoke to me, understood what i was going through....those that captured one's heart, subtle expressions, emotions, sacrifices, acts of love, the simple things

mostly, they were not the famous blockbuster ones :)

an apple on a tree said...

Do you remember the titles? maybe you can recommend some. =)

Yeah, someone recently told me that the revolutionary films are those made much longer ago. Not really from big blockbuster ones. They've become formulas already.

~jo~ said...

hmm...well, i liked:

1) Penelope

2) The Magic of Ordinary Days

3) Speak

4) Sense and Sensibility
It's a classic but I could relate very well to one of the characters..and there's the classic romance too..hehehe...

5) Pay it Forward

6) Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day

Hehe...these are the ones I can recall now..I think there are some others that are good or better...

Wow..formulas? hehe....that's amazing...

Oh yea! and I forgot....

7) Spiderman!
well, until he started acting like a jerk in the third series to Mary Jane...haha...otherwise, i loved his 'realness'.

~jo~ said...

oh, and the good ones? make me cry..haha....

an apple on a tree said...

Thanks Jo! I'll keep my eye on those I haven't seen. =)

I think for me, my personal inspirations:

1. Patch Adams

2. Bucket List

3. Joy Luck Club

4. Amadeus

5. Life is Beautiful

6. Beauty and The Beast

7. The Sound of Music

There're so many other really good ones, but i guess you can tell a person from the movie choices they make right? haha

~jo~ said...

hehe..i love beauty and the beast too!! and the sound of music is lovely..

yea...can kinda figure out who we are from the movies they make...

though sometimes, i'll just choose a light-hearted, shallow chick flick or comedy romance that doesn't require much personal involvement to relax..haha...

an apple on a tree said...

me too =)

its just which ones you will remember and carry with you through a season of your life. =)

~jo~ said...

oh yea..that's true..different ones with different themes in different seasons of life...

even songs.. :)
