Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Campus Camp 2008@Anglican High School

Campus camp... This may very well be the last camp that I may go as a campus student... I hear another one coming up but... there are always buts, yeah?

and so my in my final year, final semester at uni. What am I going to do with the time I have left? Graduates! What are you going to do?

The friendships forged in this camp. The commitments, the promises... this camp past in a flash. But whatever that happens in camp doesn't and shouldn't just stay in camp!

We started it all together, we must run the race well. Not to simply give it up. I will remember what we've shared. and I want to remember them so that I can see a testimony in your lives. I know I haven't been around all the time, but those times that I have been, you have all made them great.

Church hill! It's not me, it's not you. It's YOU-KNOW-WHO. well... and us too, definitely. =) Do you think people come together for a reason?

Learnt from my timidity, learnt from my hesitations, thank God for putting me in sound min. Added duties does come with its added revelations. With the little things that I can do, more will be added... but I must do the little things well... because they are the most basic.

Being set apart. standing apart. put apart. from all the rest. from the common. from everyone else. Because only you can do what you do, in your way.

And I hope that through the process, I will be remembered too... in a good way. =)

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