Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Muscled fingers typing...

My entire family except me and my NS serving brother has left for Malaysia this morning.

The oddity in this whole thing is that while my whole family is at home everyday, I've been away from home in school rushing for projects and shoots. But now that exams has settled in and this is the first week I'll be home more often, they're all away in Johor!

So I get to sit and study in the living room instead of hiding out in my room cos its quieter and where the air is more circulated.
It's so quiet... 
my home is normally characterised by the rowdiness of having 6 people in the house, of which half are half-grown humans. haha. although the noise sometimes is made by the unexpected half of us. heehee.

The past few testshoots have left my arms growing with new muscles. Feels like I'm training for volleyball again or for mass PE in JC. Exhausting! But has been good training, and I'm glad I'm learning a lot. Not to mention making friends with the AV staff in school, cos I see them at least twice a week... 
Although it can be sweetly funny to receive compliments from various people about how strong you are. haha. especially from one school staff who says, ' I can never be a film student.' hahaha... and 'All my gym training is meant for only today' when I asked for help to carry one dolly track to another room within school, while I was carrying the other track and opening doors for him.
So I conclude, Film girls rocks! hahaha ;)

I miss my boyfriend!

1 comment:

~jo~ said...

ooh..heeh....muscled fingers...yea..girls are strong too!!

in johor for holiday? wah...they left at the time when you get to study..haha...

:) all the best!!