Thursday, July 08, 2010

Listen Up

Hey all!
My blog has turned rusty and so has other things, like maybe my typing. haha

After 4 months of working hard, I freely took an off day yesterday and was really happy about the weekday rest. So I decided to start de-cluttering the floor under my table (yes i'm a messy girl).

As it turns out, I decided to sort all the notes I have kept since my youth from church conferences, workshops, TENet, cells, Lcells, camps etc... Boy. Have I really attended so many things all these years? All that wealth of knowledge and journeys hidden under my table... It's hard for me to imagine how much I've collected all these years, yet they as I browsed through these notes, I could remember when and where these events took place, how I felt at those moments... Each copy of the old handouts were the shortcut keys to my memories. What a journey.

I dug up an article entitled, "Listen Up", an interview with Joyce Meyer and felt it blog-worthy. What she has said in the article threw up many issues and understandings that I feel many Christians ought to be reminded of today, even and especially in big churches.

In this half a year, many things has happened among the churches that has caused some unpleasant controversy. I may not have been at church to hear what representatives have to say, but I feel that some believers may have run too far from what God may have intended.

Here are some snippets of her interview:

"You have to be able to say 'no'. You have to not be overly concerned about what people think. You have to realise you cannot do everything yourself... Just because you're anointed by the Holy Spirit doesn't mean that God's given you the job to save the whole world. We all have a part as a member of the body, and we have to do our part."

"People want a word from God, but they don't want to take the responsibility to hear Him themselves. So, they will tell you, "I want to hear from God," but they want somebody else to confirm it. Or, they're so afraid they're not hearing from God."

"The Bible says every person should be lead by the Spirit of God individually. Every person has an anointing. It's not that you don't take advice from anybody, but you can't run somebody else's life, nor can you let somebody else run your life."

"What God's in is fruitful."

"Actually, I believe wisdom is sanctified common sense. My definition of wisdom is to do now what you're going to be happy with later on - and late on always comes."

I know what I have done is the lazy way of just transcribing some sentences from this article that are important to me and not really talking about it. I wish I could but it's basically a summary of questions I have and events that have taken place in this good half a year. To start going on would take too long and I wouldn't have enough sleep for work tomorrow. But if you're reading this blog after months of it being untouched, then I hope it can be some food for thought for you.

At the end of the day, I hope that all of our walks with God will be genuinely ours, in spite of what other people are saying and doing. Hear from God Himself.

I hope that I can make it for cell tomorrow...
Goodnight and God bless.

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