I really am at a lost of time and date since I started working again. I have lots to learn and feel inadequate for so many things despite having studied so much. Well, it wasn't enough. Sometimes I thought about why I studied so much, but at times I was glad I took time off to study and enjoyed life as a student. haha.
Since I'm about to sleep soon to get ready for my night shift ( I really have nothing much to say in such a short time) except that I miss everyone I know. Life has become very focused and a bit narrow, so to speak, that I only seem to have one purpose right now.
Some photos of what I have been looking at:

The roof top 'garden' space that consists of a few pots. mainly a place for people to smoke and drink.

My senior's beloved guitar that she plays and is very good at playing by ear. cool! she's our in-house musician! hehe.

My colleague's specs that I quite like. Maybe I should have chosen a plastic frame instead... oh well, live with it for now. Fingers belong to another colleague.

The adorable puffs of dust featured in Totoro animation by Miyazaki, that is resting on the computer screen. I had to shift the black puffs out of the way cos they keep blocking my view of the date and time! haha. My boss is such a fan! AND the whole room is filled with toys!

Lovely narrow corridor outside the editing suites. The coloured, stained-glass light from outside tells us whether it is day or night... duh...

The editing stations I've been using for now. They're renovating the place so things are gonna get a little messy over the next few weeks. But i like their big monitors. =)

AND... The ever so cute Scrum!! From Lilo and Stitch! I love it so much. it is so big, about the height of my torso. and it's enormous head is soo adorable! My senior decorates the editing suite with it. soo cute.... I want a Scrum too...
I would also like to make a call out to friends who would be free and willing to accompany me for suppers on weekday or weekends cos night shift is messing up my bioclock and i can't just sleep in the night otherwise my shift work will suffer come monday night... talk about monday blues... Hope to see you people soon. ciaos!
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