Saturday, September 05, 2009

The first day of Shoot

Please please please someone get me off my butt and make me run...

oh wait, i forgot i can't because of my lungs... sigh...
I'm rotting! and I can't even do sit ups! oh the agony.

Had an exciting shoot day yesterday and saw how designers and contractors expedite their work process. I could hear their brain juices in the kitchen as they discussed how to resolve various problems the home posed. It was exciting! I think this is the most fun part of the design process where everyone tries to come up with solutions.

It was also heartening to know that a slip of your tongue can inspire them too. haha. 

The whole day, my left eye was twitching and a colleague told me it was a sign of either good or bad luck. she wasn't sure. haha. well, it was a nice day with a bit of both, so i don't think it really matters.

It was a nice change to have a celebrity in our midst. Especially when we took a break off for lunch, the food stall holders treated us to extra dishes! How nice of them! Somehow everyone treats celebrities a lot nicer than usual. haha. Maybe they think its a sign of good luck or something. So many people are easily star-struck and it makes their day to have a gorgeous-looking celebrity appear, and hope that they will be remembered by them.

So I wonder if those hawkers will still recognise me and give me a discount the next time I go there to eat? haha. wishful thinking. don't count on it. 

Oh well, I received the blessing as well. ;) Sometimes I'm happy to be ordinary.

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