Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bucketing your wish list

I just finished transcribing my 3rd video and I'm here for a break.

Had some fleeting thoughts this week but been busy to write them down, which i think i might have regretted.

My dad asked me yesterday if i wanted to go to Bangkok with him and my brother at end of September. I really want to go! but i'm still working and it's production time. this time it is my dad and brother who tells me that it's just a job and i can/should just go and play and relax. I really want to go though my body is not screaming for a break or anything. I only just started working! but its thailand!!! and i may get to visit my old school or maybe even meet up with some friends if possible. and go shopping! if only we can go on a weekend, but my dad can't go on weekends... so my dilemma. i really really want to go but i don't think i should.

oh the shoulds and should nots in life... =p

I was doing some wishing and i wished for a sewing machine some time ago, and i still do. And wow, my wish has been granted! My bro's gf asked me if i wanted a sewing machine! For free! yay!! =DDDD She even said now i don't have to sew my laptop bag by hand anymore. hahaha. aww, so nice of her.

I'm wishing for a book binder now actually. i think Art Friend sells it for $80+ bucks?? not sure. it was sold out when i was there. I want to make note books. =)

So now i can't wait for the sewing machine to be delivered! I can make new stuff! yay!

A freelance colleague was telling me about positive thinking and creative visioning. where you think of what you want in life and put a picture to it, like making a Vision Board. apparently its supposed to be very 'ling' and it helps you achieve those things. cool.

it wasn't too long ago when i watched the Bucket List again. nice simple movie. =)

okie, time to start my 4th video...

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