Was given this book by my dear on the day he had to catch the plane. It was a surprise to me when he told me about it, and, in his usual humour, this book was bought at a Christian bookstore in Perth, called Koorong. You can see why he was amused.
Even more apt was the first line of the author's introduction in the book:
"Recently I was flying home..."
Oh reading the words and letters in this book is like drinking honey down your throat, soothing fears and comforts with hope and love. Really. Precious promises that, sometimes I've forgotten and covered over with other concerns, came and hugged me again. It helped me fall in love with the King again, knowing His heart, hearing His words.
I remembered the times ago when I had love letters like these from Him and I would write them down and read them over and over. I don't want to stop doing them just because I am growing older or because other people might think it is childish.
It is only for the audience of One.
Signing off,
His Princess.
1 comment:
Dear Princess Rong Rong,
His love is so beautiful. :)
Princess Jo
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