Sunday, January 18, 2009

Wednesdays are Joanne Days =)

I'm so happy I have a buddy in astro with me!

We headed down to the new JP and since we didn't take any pictures the last time we went out, we kept taking this time! we are e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e~~~~ Jo is getting prettier, cuter and sweeter each time. ;)

Jo also got her hall. SINGLE ROOM!!! wow. We couldn't wait to squeal in celebration the very moment we left the hall office. heehee. God really knows the heart of His children and He answers prayers!

It also reminded me that initially I had wanted to stay in hall in my final sem of uni life. But I decided against it. Though I pretty much loved hall/camping life, I'd rather spend time and see my family everyday as much as I can than not see them the entire week and hide in my hall room... not that there would be a guaranteed chance that I'd get a room anyway.
I was glad I made that choice.
My 2nd bro had just finished his O levels last year and I'm happy I was around to talk about choosing schools and all that academic and 'what you want to do in the future' things. Being able to be there for my family, especially to my growing brothers, means alot to me. Glad I rejected hall 7 3 sems ago... It's all timely too because my 1st bro is in the army and mum started working full time this year. Home would be a tad bit quiet if too many people are not around. 
We're more used to having a noisy and lively home. =)


~jo~ said...

hehe...thank you rong!

i think you are one of the very few people whom i share extreme happiness with..haha...

hehe...home is where our hearts are.. ?

it's nice to have home.

~jo~ said...

you've been ever lovely, understanding and supportive throughout this really means a lot :)


an apple on a tree said...

oh jo, you say the sweetest and most encouraging things. =) i'm happy you allow me to share those moments with you too, they make lovely memories. =)

and you sure are growing! pretty jo! =D

~jo~ said...

oohh..they do make lovely memories.. :)

thanks rong :>