Thursday, July 31, 2014

Love strings

Last night, I had the sudden inspiration to pick up the guitar again.

This was triggered from the wonderful jazzy music that we heard on the church piano during the weekends. My admiration for expert pianists rose to a new level as I listened to the sunday pianist take control over the silence and filled the whole sanctuary with his music, jazz-inspired cadences and transitions that refreshes any weary soul that sat on those pews. Music uplifts.

So, armed with a chord book, I took out the dusty guitar and tried my rusty hands at it again. Oh boy. Rusty hands don't just happen on the fingers, but the wrist, joints and movement. Ow.

However, I soon fell in love with the experience again. My in-laws came into the room, surprised that I could strum a guitar ( messily, i'll admit. ). That's when I discovered that my father-in-law could play some mean notes, albeit rusty too.

After the brief father-in-law showcase, I brought the guitar to my dear husband. I knew he could play some songs. He sportingly turned on his charm and we ended up with a mini jam sing-a-long to those good ol' emo songs in our yesteryears when we were single and almost attached. O, what fun! It's nice to be nostalgic every now and then.

It's also a pity that over time, people tend to give up on their music abilities. I am very guilty of it too, not that mine was that good to begin with. But with what little we have and expand on, it will harvest bigger things with practice, whatever that harvest may be. It helps that playing music helps stimulate your brain development.

So, forget about new year resolutions, make resolutions in the middle of the year!

Mid-year resolution: Practice music!

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