Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Money Matters

First of all.
Everyone should only spend money they already have.
This rule should ALWAYS be followed unless you need to purchase a big item, such as a home, which you are confident you can pay back AND which you really NEED and have thought over.

Second of all.
Learn to SAVE.
Saving means: You leave the money aside for a rainy day or future need. NOT for a shopping expense.

Third of all.
No one owes you a living.
Be responsible for your financial state and do not be greedy.

Failure to do those 3 simple steps will burden not only you, but people around you.
Success to do that, will make you a refuge of life and comfort.

Gambling is such a kill joy.
It kills your joy.


~jo~ said...

haha..i don't know why..but i was so tickled when i read this post. so true!

an apple on a tree said...

haha. well the truth can be funny.

hope you're getting well! =D