You know, hall life is not so bad after all. Besides, I had spent wondrous time just simply sitting and chatting with friends who matter to me during those late hours on the bed or the floor.
That seems to be the thing I love to do in the world. haha. Just relaxing and having a good heart to heart chat or just hanging out with friends. There is an invisible magical wand that spins friendship and bonding during those times enclosed in our own world.
How I wish to have more of that nowadays. I want to have that with my loved ones more. I love sleep overs, even if the person who stays over in my room happens to be my brother from the next room. I'll know how he sounds like when he sleeps. haha. The feeling of closeness.
Can't wait till Qin comes back. Oh how I can spend all my local time with everyone else and yet still feel closer to him despite how little we see of each other. It's not the length of time, it's not the length of time...i say. But I miss him so. I even miss the car he drives. Douglas! *pat pat.
26 more days! Then we can start to spend our weekends together. Or our week nights over dinner. Play games. Cook and eat together. Have fun with family. Take leisurely strolls. Sit together and have timeless chats. Explore sg island... or walk across sg. Shop! So many things to look forward to! 26 more days!!!
Speaking of games, my brother borrowed a Wii console with 3 controllers from a friend and we've been blasting and having a fun time. We even had some little kids who'd come over and stay because WE now have Wii. Love saying that.
Over last Sunday, my house seemed like a childcare centre. Man. And when I didn't know what to do with them, I brought them all over to my grandma's house. Boy was that funny. haha. Bumped into a childhood friend of mine/grandma's friend in the neighbourhood and told them i'm leading a tour of 6 (including my brothers) to my granny's. No parents around. What horrific noise they make. hahas.
Anyway, as of now, my dad is still trying to beat the Wii computer at table tennis.
I think we never really grow old inside. ;)
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