Monday, April 06, 2009

A snippet of Today's newspaper tells us that...

Having Sisters Makes One Happier!

Having a sisters makes you happier and more optimistic, a new study shows, but the same is not true for having a brother.

"Sisters appear to encourage more open communication and cohesion in families. However, brothers seem to have the alternative effect. Emotional expression is fundamental to good psychological health and having sisters promotes this in families," said Prof Tony Cassidy from the University of Ulster, who carried out the study with researchers from De Montfort University in Leicester.

The effects were stronger among children from broken homes, suggesting that sisters might lean on each other more for support when their parents divorce. The lowest scores were among boys who had only brothers. "It could be that boy have a natural tendency not to talk about things," he said.

 - courtesy of The Daily Telegraph

Although it's cool to acknowledge this (since I'm the only sister in the house) but I do not think this is entirely true. My brothers are cool too. =) Although yeah, they're not as emotionally expressive in sharing as girls may like them to be, but what to do? Guys seem to talk through playing and doing things (eg. sports and video games) than with their mouths.

No wonder they say girls use their brain to come up with the least amount of effort to achieve the most effect! We just don't have the same level of strength/energy as those active boys. haha

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