After coming home from a late night in school at around 11.20pm.
Bro: Huh? No.
Me: Then how come the bottom mattress is out? You slept in my room, is it?
Bro: No. I was talking on the phone.
Me: Then how come my pillow is at the bottom mattress? (pause)
(Melodramatic Gasp) You sat on my pillow? You sat with your butt on where my head is supposed to be? (insert wide eyes here)
Bro: (grinning) Noo... I was lying down.
Me: Orh... (pause) You were lying down BEFORE you showered?
Bro: (BIG GRIN) hehe...
Me: THEN?! (I have nothing to say that can change anything now...) Hai.
haha. Living with so many guys under the same roof, after a while I think the phase, 'Eee...' should go out the window by now... but it doesn't. haha. oh yippee... further proof that I'm a true, blue girl... harhar...
Random comment:
"If you were a guy, you'd be the 'sissy-est' guy I know." - TQ
Oh brother.
hahah!!and that last quote is the best!
hmm..hehe...some guys can be clean freaks...well, the ones i stay with so far..haha
different strokes for different folks. haha
yeah i think the ones you live with is a different breed opposite the spectrum from mine. ;)
in this case, if you were in my family, you'd be a wonderfully, great asset. haha~!
haha!! nah! i'm sure you all do a great job cleaning up.. and taking turns :) i tend to get lazy too. if i weren't lazy, i'll be super obsessive and just keep cleaning and cleaning..but since i'm so lazy sometimes, i don't get to it.
haha, yeah the good thing about big families is that there're more ppl to divide the job amongst. works great if some people need to study or have a deadline to rush. ;)
currently there's a big building project just outside my home, so neighbourhood is awfully noisy and DUSTY!!! arrrrhhhh!
haha...will You have a big family next time?
ooohh...dusty and noisy...hope they finish up soon!!
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